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Weekly Services


Sunday School    In Person -  8:45 AM


Fellowship Service 9:45 AM


Worship Services


In Person - 10:45 AM


1st Sunday - Senior Pastor

Communion Sunday

2nd Sunday - Pastor or Appointee

3rd Sunday -  Pastor or Appointee

4th Sunday - Pastor or Appointee

Youth Sunday

5th Sunday - Senior Pastor

Mission Sunday

Mon. / Wed. / Fri.

Prayer Line



(267) 930-4000 - #978-519-084


Monday - 8:00 AM


Wednesday - 8:30 AM


Friday -  8:00 AM



Tuesday/ Thursday

Food Bank 


In Person


Tuesday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Thursday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


It is with great joy and celebration that we welcome you to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church.  Your belief and confession of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior assured your salvation and a new life in Christ.  Our responsibility as your new church home is to foster an environment where communal worship, spiritual growth, and heart-warming fellowship can happen.  Our prayer and goals are that you will fully understand God’s plan for your life as a Christian.


At St. Paul, we are committed to helping you discover your spiritual gifts as well as develop a servant’s heart. It is also our prayer, you devote daily quiet time to God, and become a dedicated member.  We want you to be active and involved in the ministries that St. Paul has to offer. 


We thank you for visiting St. Paul's website.  We are praying for you and we praise God for your presence. 



Welcome to

St. Paul Missionary Babptist Church 


It is our prayer that this message of hope finds you at the place where you desire to meet God for yourself, engage in a personal relationship with Him through belief in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then welcome the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.







Midweek Bible study is an opportunity where you can come and study God's word in person at 930 6th Street, Modesto, California, where we praise and uplift our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and study the word of God together. The word of God declares study to show thyself approval unto God. God a workman needth not to shame rightly divide the word of truth. We look forward to seeing you at

 St. Paul MBC

Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.  Via Zoom.

God bless.



 During this time of the pandemic, we've been away from the house of God. We want to invite you back to public worship. Truly, God has been praised all of our trials and tribulations over these last two years. But now God has given us an opportunity to come back into his house. And we want to invite you to St. Paul 6th street, modesto, California, on Sundays at 09:30 a.m., where we give God the praise. We look forward to seeing you. God bless.


You can become a member of the ST. PAUL MBC by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or by Christian experience.

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